The ultimate babyccino should be composed of velvety dry foam. My preference is for a foam so dry that you should be able to hold the cup over the top of your head for a couple of seconds and it not pour out.
- Start with 60 mL of cold milk (optional 1–2 mL of maple syrup — trust us, a little goes a long way with maple syrup. Remember to obtain the okay from the parents/guardians for any bonus items like syrups or marshmallows).
- Aerate the milk to 100% aeration i.e. foam up your milk until its volume is double what you started with.
- Heat the beverage to 45°C. Do not overheat the beverage. If you don’t own a thermometer, make sure you do not heat the milk past the point where you feel any discomfort in your fingertips when you place your hand on the side of the milk pitcher.
- Serve in a demitasse espresso cup, with a very small spoon. The smaller the spoon, the longer the child gets to savour the drink.
- Dust lightly with cacao powder.
Tips From Parents
One thing most parents were unanimous about was that there is a trade-off between keeping things fun for children and keeping them occupied, versus their behaviour spiralling out of control as a sugar rush ensues. One Mum we spoke to explained,
‘I think a good barista will check with a parent or guardian first before handing out marshmallows and chocolate sprinkles.’
Rozzie C.
‘Baristas should discreetly ask the parent if they would like a marshmallow. They are massive choking hazards for kids under 4, but once a kid hears marshmallow, its like the world has ended if us parents have to say no. It’s like the barista is throwing us parents under the bus.’
Alex M.