- There is an overall tendency for the جزيئات in a mixture to migrate from areas of higher concentration towards areas of lower concentration via a process known as انتشار.
- Molecules diffuse faster at higher temperatures. In a cold environment, each molecule has less kinetic energy and therefore can’t diffuse as quickly.
- Higher temperatures increases the possibility of extracting compounds from the coffee bed whilst also migrating out الطحن الناعم and emulsifying coffee oils into المستعلق
- There is a law in physics called the no slip boundary condition which states that the velocity of a liquid flowing past a surface is exactly zero at the surface itself. In other words, particles of fluid will adhere to the walls (or boundary) of a solid.
- Unless there is a turbulent flow, the NSBC means that extraction relies on انتشار which is a slow process.
- وعادة ما تتطلب عملية الاستخلاص في الطرق التي تنطوي على اضطرابات كثيرة، مثل الإبريق والإفراغ بالسحب (السيفون)، فترات زمنية أقصر لكي تتم عملية ذوبان العناصر.
- وبعيدًا عن سطح الجزيئات داخل الركوة الخاصة بالقهوة، إذا كان السائل متحركًا، فقد يحمل جزيئات النكهة بعيدًا عبر تحريك السائل، في عملية تسمى بالتأفق.
- When a coffee bean breaks under the forces involved in grinding, some large fragments (boulders) and some small fragments (الطحن الناعم) are produced.
- ومن المتوقع أن يشقق القطع حبوب القهوة دون تكوُن الكثير من الجزيئات الدقيقة ، إذ يتكون معظمه عند تحطيم حبوب القهوة بين تروس المطحنة.
- At higher temperatures, the kinetic energy of water جزيئات is increased. This raises the rate of extraction by giving each water molecule higher mobility, which increases the possibility of leaching out compounds from the coffee bed whilst also migrating out الطحن الناعم and emulsifying coffee oils into المستعلق
- We recommend that المشروبات المعدة بالغمر methods should be prepared with grind sizes much finer than what is traditionally recommended.
- But grinding too fine with immersion brews can result in excessively turbidity.